Grafica Tricouri
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Design graphic pentru personalizarea unor tricouri cu ocazia unei petreceri speciale: Petrecerea Burlacitelor! Cheers....!!!
Portfolio of Unicserv
Design graphic pentru personalizarea unor tricouri cu ocazia unei petreceri speciale: Petrecerea Burlacitelor! Cheers....!!!
Exemplu de retusare foto si tonare profesionala in Photoshop.
In a dynamic business with intense dynamics, the products image can make the difference between success and failure.
Responsive website for small business. The owner choose an one-page style presentation website for showing it's field of expertise.
O reprezentare moderna si simpla pentru tipul de afacere pe care il are compania.
To present and inform the citizens and media about Ramnicu Valcea City Hall activities. The client ask for a dynamic website, with an official look and that performs well in Internet searches.
The PDL need of an mobile friendly website with video, attachments, banner management, user custom profiles, Access Control Lists, Forum and Newsletter. It was built using Joomla 2.5 and K2 for compatibility reasons.
Creating a dinamic website for Valcea County Sport and Youth Department of Youth and Sports Ministry. The client desired a web presence where he can maintain the sport and youth agenda, also latest news and commercial offers regarding his activity.
Official website of Chimia Sport Club have been redesigned and had receive a new look.
Joomla 2.5 brings dynamic content and easy maintainability in order to present the client information.